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[PHP] Sprawdzanie pola formularza (1 wej¶æ)
TEMAT: [PHP] Sprawdzanie pola formularza
szymanek1991 (U¿ytkownik)
Posty: 11
[PHP] Sprawdzanie pola formularza 2007/11/01 22:30 |
Oklaski: -1   |
Witajcie! Tak siê sk³ada, ¿e dane mi jest postawiæ sklep internetowy na komponencie Virtuemart do mambo. Problem w tym, ¿e mamy tutaj formularz rejestracyjny, w którym jest feralne pole, w którym nale¿y wybraæ Kraj. Pole to jest mi kompletnie niepotrzebne do szczê¶cia, a kiedy je wyrzucê, to nie da siê niestety zarejestrowaæ, bo modu³ sprawdzaj±cy poprawno¶æ formularza pokazuje, ¿e pole nie zosta³o wype³nione. Poni¿ej przedstawiê kod, a Was proszê o wyja¶nienie jak usun±æ to pole w taki sposób, by rejestracja by³a mo¿liwa. Kod: | <?php
defined( '_VALID_MOS' ) or die( 'Direct Access to this location is not allowed.' );
* @version $Id: checkout_register_form.php,v 2006/04/05 18:16:54 soeren_nb Exp $
* @package VirtueMart
* @subpackage html
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2004-2005 Soeren Eberhardt. All rights reserved.
* @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php
* VirtueMart is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant
* to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or
* is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or
* other free or open source software licenses.
* See /administrator/components/com_virtuemart/COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details.
* http://virtuemart.net
mm_showMyFileName( __FILE__ );
$missing = mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, "missing", "" );
$missing_style = "color:red; font-weight:bold;";
if (!empty( $missing )) {
echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('"._CONTACT_FORM_NC."'); </script>\n";
$label_div_style = 'float:left;width:30%;text-align:right;vertical-align:bottom;font-weight: bold;padding-right: 5px;';
$field_div_style = 'float:left;width:60%;';
* This section will be changed in future releases of VirtueMart,
* when we have a registration form manager
$required_fields = Array( 'company', 'first_name', 'last_name', 'middle_name', 'address_1', 'address_2', 'city', 'country', 'zip', 'phone_1', 'phone_2', 'fax' ); (tutaj kasujê wpis 'country], ¿eby to pole nie by³o jako wymagane)
$shopper_fields = array();
// This is a list of all fields in the form
// They are structured into fieldset
// where the begin of the fieldset is marked by
// an index called uniqid('fieldset_begin')
// and the end uniqid('fieldset_end')
if (!$my->id && VM_SILENT_REGISTRATION != '1' ) {
// These are the fields for registering a completely new user!
// Create a new fieldset
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_begin')] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ORDER_PRINT_CUST_INFO_LBL;
$shopper_fields['username'] = _REGISTER_UNAME;
$shopper_fields['email'] = _REGISTER_EMAIL;
$shopper_fields['password'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_PASSWORD_1;
$shopper_fields['password2'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_PASSWORD_2;
// Finish the fieldset
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_end')] = "";
// Add the new required fields into the existing array of required fields
$required_fields = array_merge( $required_fields, Array( 'email', 'username','password','password2') );
// Now the fields for customer information...Bill To !
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_begin')] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_USER_FORM_BILLTO_LBL;
$shopper_fields['company'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_COMPANY_NAME;
$shopper_fields['first_name'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_FIRST_NAME;
$shopper_fields['last_name'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_LAST_NAME;
$shopper_fields['middle_name'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_MIDDLE_NAME;
$shopper_fields['address_1'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_ADDRESS_1;
$shopper_fields['address_2'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_ADDRESS_2;
$shopper_fields['city'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_CITY;
$shopper_fields['zip'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_ZIP;
$shopper_fields['country'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_COUNTRY; (t± linijkê usuwam, ¿eby pole siê nie
if (CAN_SELECT_STATES == '1') {
$shopper_fields['state'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_STATE;
$required_fields[] = 'state';
$shopper_fields['phone_1'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_PHONE;
$shopper_fields['phone_2'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_PHONE2;
$shopper_fields['fax'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_SHOPPER_FORM_FAX;
if (!$my->id && VM_SILENT_REGISTRATION == '1') {
$shopper_fields['email'] = _REGISTER_EMAIL;
$required_fields[] = 'email';
// Extra Fields when defined in the language file
for( $i=1; $i<6; $i++ ) {
if( $VM_LANG->$property != "" ) {
$shopper_fields['extra_field_'.$i] = $VM_LANG->$property;
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_end')] = "";
// Is entering bank account information possible?
if (LEAVE_BANK_DATA == '1') {
$selected[0] = @$_REQUEST['bank_account_type']=="Checking" ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
$selected[1] = @$_REQUEST['bank_account_type']=="Business Checking" ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
$selected[2] = @$_REQUEST['bank_account_type']=="Savings" ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_begin')] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_BANK_TITLE;
$shopper_fields['bank_account_holder'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_BANK_ACCOUNT_HOLDER;
$shopper_fields['bank_account_nr'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_BANK_ACCOUNT_NR;
$shopper_fields['bank_sort_code'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_BANK_SORT_CODE;
$shopper_fields['bank_name'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_BANK_NAME;
$shopper_fields['bank_account_type'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE;
$shopper_fields['bank_iban'] = $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_BANK_IBAN;
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_end')] = "";
// Does the customer have to agree to your Terms & Conditions?
if (MUST_AGREE_TO_TOS == '1') {
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_begin')] = _BUTTON_SEND_REG;
// This label is a JS link with a noscript alternative for non-JS users
$shopper_fields['agreed'] = '<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
document.write(\'<label for="agreed_field">'.htmlspecialchars( $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_I_AGREE_TO_TOS, ENT_QUOTES ).'</label><a href="java script:void window.open(\\\''. $mosConfig_live_site .'/index2.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.tos&pop=1\\\', \\\'win2\\\', \\\'status=no,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes,titlebar=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,wid
document.write(\' ('.$VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_STORE_FORM_TOS .')</a>\');
<label for="agreed_field">'. $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_I_AGREE_TO_TOS .'</label>
<a target="_blank" href="'. $mosConfig_live_site .'/index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.tos" title="'. $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_I_AGREE_TO_TOS .'">
$required_fields[] = 'agreed';
$shopper_fields[uniqid('fieldset_end')] = "";
// Form validation function
vmCommonHTML::«»printJS_formvalidation( $required_fields );
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="includes/js/mambojavascript.js"></script>
<form action="<?php echo $mm_action_url ?>index.php" method="post" name="adminForm">
<div style="width:90%;">
<div style="padding:5px;text-align:center;"><strong>(* = <?php echo _CMN_REQUIRED ?>«»)</
foreach( $shopper_fields as $fieldname => $label) {
if( stristr( $fieldname, 'fieldset_begin' )) {
echo '<fieldset>
<legend class="sectiontableheader">'.$label.'</legend>
if( stristr( $fieldname, 'fieldset_end' )) {
echo '</fieldset>
echo '<div id="'.$fieldname.'_div" style="'.$label_div_style;
if (stristr($missing,$fieldname)) {
echo $missing_style;
echo '">';
echo '<label for="'.$fieldname.'_field">'.$label.'</label>';
if( in_array( $fieldname, $required_fields)) {
echo ' </div>
<div style="'.$field_div_style.'">'."\n";
* This is the most important part of this file
* Here we print the field & its contents!
switch( $fieldname ) {
case 'title':
$ps_html->list_user_title(mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, 'title', ''), "id=\"user_title\""«»);
case 'bank_account_type':
echo '<select class="inputbox" name="bank_account_type">
<option '. $selected[0] .' value="Checking">'. $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE_CHECKING .'</option>
<option '. $selected[1] .' value="Business Checking">'. $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE_BUSINESSCHECKING .'</option>
<option '. $selected[2] .' value="Savings">'. $VM_LANG->_PHPSHOP_ACCOUNT_LBL_ACCOUNT_TYPE_SAVINGS .'</option>
case 'agreed':
echo '<input type="checkbox" id="agreed_field" name="agreed" value="1" class="inputbox" />';
case 'password':
case 'password2':
echo '<input type="password" id="'.$fieldname.'_field" name="'.$fieldname.'" size="30" class="inputbox" />'."\n";
case 'extra_field_4': case 'extra_field_5':
eval( "\$ps_html->list_$fieldname( mosGetParam( \$_REQUEST, '$fieldname'), \"id=\\\"$fieldname\\\"\"«»);" );
echo '<input type="text" id="'.$fieldname.'_field" name="'.$fieldname.'" size="30" value="'. mosGetParam( $_REQUEST, $fieldname) .'" class="inputbox" />'."\n";
echo '</div>
echo '
<div align="center">';
if( !$mosConfig_useractivation && VM_SILENT_REGISTRATION != '1') {
echo '<input type="checkbox" name="remember" value="yes" id="remember_login2" checked="checked" />
<label for="remember_login2">'. _REMEMBER_ME .'</label><br /><br />';
else {
echo '<input type="hidden" name="remember" value="yes" />';
echo '
<input type="submit" value="'. _BUTTON_SEND_REG . '" class="button" onclick="return( submitregistration());" />
<input type="hidden" name="Itemid" value="'. @$_REQUEST['Itemid'] .'" />
<input type="hidden" name="gid" value="'. $my->gid .'" />
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'. $my->id .'" />
<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="'. $my->id .'" />
<input type="hidden" name="option" value="com_virtuemart" />
<input type="hidden" name="useractivation" value="'. $mosConfig_useractivation .'" />
<input type="hidden" name="func" value="shopperadd" />
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="checkout.index" />
Proszê o pomoc, bo mimo moich prób nic nie uda³o siê z tym zrobiæ :/.
Temat zosta³ zablokowany. |
Krzysztof Stachyra (Administrator Forum)
Administrator Forum
Posty: 697
Odp:[PHP] Sprawdzanie pola formularza 2007/11/03 16:43 |
Oklaski: 88   |
 Cze¶æ.  A co to jest za plik?. Bo ja przeszuka³em wszystkie dostêpne mi wersje sklepu VirtueMart i nie znalaz³em tam pliku " checkout_register_form.php", którego tre¶æ nie wiadomo po co wylistowa³e¶ w ca³o¶ci. Proszê o wiêcej informacji. Jaka wersja, i sk±d ten plik. Bo mo¿e jest on z czym¶ powi±zany?. No ja wró¿yæ nie bêdê. Dodatkowo TUTAJ masz ¶wietne Forum przeznaczone tylko dla tego komponentu, i masz tam mnóstwo rozwi±zañ problemów. Mo¿e i twój tam te¿ siê znajduje. Luknij. Dodatkowo zainstaluj najnowsz± wersjê komponentu, bo z tego co wiem, poprzednie wersje mia³y sporo luk i wad, wiêc aktualizacja jest bardzo wskazana. Tam w tym wylistowanym kodzie masz link: Kod: |
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="includes/js/mambojavascript.js"></script>
...wiêc nie wiem teraz, czy instalujesz to na Joomla!, czy na Mambo. Bo je¶li na Joomla!, to Joomla! nie posiada takiego pliku. Posiada plik joomlajavascript.js, a to jest istotna ró¿nica. Wiêc instalujesz to na Joomla! czy Mambo?.
 Pozdrawiam. Jokris.
Temat zosta³ zablokowany. |
szymanek1991 (U¿ytkownik)
Posty: 11
Odp:[PHP] Sprawdzanie pola formularza 2007/11/04 00:22 |
Oklaski: -1   |
Mambo, ju¿ sobie poradzi³em
Temat zosta³ zablokowany. |
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